We just came back from our road trip to Austria and Cezch Republic.
This trip started by leaving Geneva direction Salzburg on friday 19th of july. We made a first little stop in Zurich on the way to visit some of my family and spend a nice day there. We took the road next day for what we thought would be a 4 hours drive. In fact we spend most of the day in the traffic (stupid GPS). Everybody was on holidays and seemed to head for the same place as us. To arrive around Salzburg it took us around 6 hours. We had to meet a local base jumper in Mondsee. There we discovered a beautiful area with lakes, mountains and the wall I would jump on the evening, the Drachenwand. We meet Wolfgang the local who took me up there. It's an easy 30 mins walk to get to the top from the other side of the mountain. The wind was still pretty strong on the exit but not too bad to jump. I went for an easy straight line away form the wall. Pulled high and had a nice landing. We spend the next two days in the area. We visited Salzburg, a really beautiful old city. The day after we went climbing and lake swimming in St Gilgen. I really enjoyed this place. I meet two other locals Chris and Marco that day. We could arrange an evening jump on Drachenwand and then planned some higher jumps for the next day.
Next morning we drove a bit more than an hour to Dachstein cable car. The guys promised me a nice jump, arriving there I enjoyed the nice view and couldn't wait to take the cable car to see how it was up there. The cable car had a little terrace on top of it. We had the chance to make the way up on top of it !
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Enjoying the view from the top of Dachstein's cable car. |
The cable car takes you up to a nice glacier valley on top of the mountain. From there we had to walk and then climb for around an hour to get to the exit point. Chris and Marco went for a two way and I just followed them the all way. It's was pretty amazing to fly behind them with Marco's smoke drawing a nice trail to follow. After this nice flight we all landed in the same field so exited about the jump. We had now to walk back to our cars in a lovely mountain environment.
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The view on Dachstein (photo by Len Sirmanovitch). |
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Following Chris and Marco. (Screenshot) |
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After jump walk (photo by Len Sirmanovitch). |
On the evening we drove to the next jump location. About an other hour from Dachstein. We camped there and had a nice dinner by the river. Even in the evening the weather was still nice and warm. We could discover a crazy sky full of stars.
After an hard early wake up, I had to pack my rig. I hate packing before jumping. I always try to get rid of this right after a jump or during my working week. Having to get up earlier then the already early wake up time to start to pack is a pain in the ass. I packed and had breakfast. It was a bit windy but the sun was hidden by light clouds and it seemed like it would stay like this the whole day. We started the walk after checking some landing zones. The landing zones were quite tight and we had to be careful of the ranger. We were in a national park and we thought it wouldn't be a great idea to get caught be one of them.
We started the walk at 8.30 am and from the informations we got it would take us around 3 hours to get up to the top and that we won't need any climbing stuff. After 45 minutes of a nice walk by a river we reached a nice cottage where we drank something and had a little rest. We walked again after this and started to get into the serious part. Arriving nearly at the bottom of the cliff were we would jump we still had 700 meters of altitude to get to the top. The little easy path changed it self in a steep but cool climbing way. I really enjoyed it, no need for climbing equipment but you have to be careful of your steps. On top of this part we realized that we weren't quit at the exit. We started to doubt a bit about the infos we've got. We started the walk more than 3 hours ago and still had to get around a big peak. That's when Chris told me that the guy who gave him the infos jumped this one for the last time six years ago. We continued our way and decided to try a shortcut. Base jumpers always want to take shortcuts ... Most of the time we end up in fucked up situations. This one was no exception. We ended up doing some free climbing crossings with all our base gear on the back. We got through some quite shitty and scary parts just to find out on the other side that the real path was higher that what we though and that we lost some time and took some risks for nothing.
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Nice little path. (Phone picture) |
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Watch your steps ! (Phone picture) |
The exit point was not that far now. We walked the last part and arrived where the exit was supposed to be. Nothing was looking like a safe exit. The only thing we could see was a scary rope going down a curved part of the cliff. Nothing you really wanted to hang to and as some people told us climbing equipment was useless we skipped this one .... for a while. Chris made a couple of phone calls to get more informations and we figured out the we had to go down that rope. I wasn't really joyful at this time. I'm shit scared of climb downs and we had nothing to ensure us. We took a break to rest a bit as we were walking, climbing and searching for more than 5 hours. We geared up and decided to go for it. I asked the guys to let me jump first and not letting me last up there. I wasn't sure I would climb down that rope alone. Chris went down first. There was a shitty little ledge around 10 meters down the rope with just enough space to put your wingsuit boosters on. I took a deep breath and started to climb down. I was really scared. Little by little I could get down to Chris and started to put my boosters on. For the one who are not use to wingsuit, boosters are the lower part of the wingsuit. You have to put this part over your shoes and then close the leg zipper. Imagine doing this on a small ledge were you can only stand up with 700 meters under you. It wasn't really comfortable but once this part done I was feeling like released. I now just had to jump. After thanking Chris and Marco for showing me this jump and helping me to push my limits, I made a nice exit and felt in my element again. As I was more tired of what I expected I flew an easy straight line. The flight was great and uneventful. I choose a part of a dry river without too much boulder to land. I packed my stuff in my backpack quickly to avoid to be seen by a ranger. A little bit later I joined the other who had a nice jump and my girlfriend on a parking like nothing happened.
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Climbing down that f***ing rope. (Screenshot) |
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Finally in the air ! Feeling much better ! (Screenshot) |
After saying bye to Chris and Marco we started our way to Czech Republic. We spend the next day on the road and doing some laundry. We arrived in the little city called Rokycany where the Fluff Fest take place every year. Fluff Fest is one of the best punk-hardcore festival in Europe. Hardcore kids form all over the world meet there every year and share their passion for music. We had lots of fun and saw amazing shows of bands like Catharsis, Harm's Way, Vitamin X, Oathbreaker and many other. 3 days of stage dives, moshing, delicious vegan food, political debates and vinyls quest. Here is a little video made by my girlfriend of Vitamin X' show.
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