mardi 2 juillet 2013

Back to Varan

After a cloudy-rainy saturday, I went back to Varan on sunday. It's always a pleasure to jump this huge flight. I headed there with Aurelien "Bras Noir" and his girlfriend. It was still a bit cloudy but the walk was nice. We came across the same group of ibex and on the top we were in the same situation as last saturday. We had to wait for a window in the clouds to jump. After a while a nice gap appeared and we took our chance !

Nice picture of our exit by Val Courtois

I made a quite steep exit as it can be seen on the picture but I recovered a nice flying position quickly. As this jump is really good to work on your glide ratio. You have around 1900 meters to play. I worked in changing a bit my shoulder or belly position to see how it change my flight. I also had fun seeing Aurelien playing around with his much larger wingsuit. The view was great because it was still cloudy and it gave to the jump a nice atmosphere.

 Another nice jump and I'm already looking forward for the next one. 

A view of Varan nicely coated with clouds. (screen shot)

As saturday was unjumpeable I rested a bit and watched the new movie of my firend Julien and his crew, "Le petit bus rouge". You may have already seen their movie "I believe I can fly", if you don't you should ! 

In this new production they mix base jumping, climbing, slack lines, high lines with a touch of circus elements and craziness as always. The result is hard to describe. It's fresh and gives a new outlook on our sport. You have to check it out !

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