dimanche 19 mai 2013

First words !

Welcome to my blog.

I opened this blog without really knowing why but with the strong desire to share my passion with anyone interested in it. I will keep it updated and filled with stories about my jumps. Photos and videos will be added to it. I hope it will bring you closer to the feeling I have every time I jump and fly. Some more technicals articles will be added too. For the ones who want to learn more about this sport.

Now let me introduce myself.

I'm 26 years old, living near Geneva Switzerland. I'm working as a chef in a restaurant and spending the rest of my time for my passion. I discovered skydiving when I was a kid. Made my first tandem jump at 15 years old. Since then my mind got stuck in the sky. I remember spending so much time on the internet trying to find new skydiving and Base jumping videos. Trying to imagine how it would be awesome to jump alone. 

I waited three years and signed up for an AFF.  The start of this AFF week, was really windy. We were grounded and had to kill some time. I decided to watch one Base Jumping dvd that was in my instructor office, 2nd Base, a now classical Base movie. Seeing those dudes throwing their self of different objects, like I've never seen it before was incredible. I knew that one day it would be my turn but first I had a long journey to get there.

2nd Base

After a few days the wind calmed down and we could take off. That was finally it ! I was standing alone in a plane ready to jump all by myself.

It was the beginning of my new passion.

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